Thinking about upgrading your home air conditioning? The first thing you need to decide is what type of air system to install. Selecting the right AC system for your home means balancing how it cools your home with how it looks.

If you’re considering a ductless air conditioner or mini-split system you don’t have to settle for the noisy and unsightly units looming over you and your family. Many customers choose the whisper quiet, draft-free efficiency of a high velocity air conditioner from Unico instead.

High velocity air conditioners fit in difficult to cool rooms, like a ductless air conditioner. But high velocity air conditioners make your home more comfortable. A Unico System efficiently cools your home and removes 30% more humidity from the air.

Here are five reasons to choose high velocity air conditioning over a ductless system.

Placement. High velocity systems from Unico use flexible 2” tubes instead of traditional HVAC ductwork. Unico systems fit into walls, floors, and other narrow spaces, and are flexible so they can weave through the existing layout of the home. One ductless unit must be mounted on the wall in each room you want to cool in your home.

Visual impact. If you want to hide away your ac system, high velocity is the way to go. The air supply vents are small and Unico provides many customizable options that match the colors and materials of your home. A ductless air conditioner looms over doors and seating areas, standing out from the home you’ve carefully decorated.

Installation time. Thanks to the flexible air supply tubing and Unico’s unique Twist-Fit system, professional installation of a Unico Small Duct High Velocity (SDHV) System is simple and quick. Mini-split units need to be mounted in every room to be most effective, so installation is more time consuming.

Noise reduction. Thanks to Unico’s unique technology, our high velocity systems operate with virtually no detectable sound – some customers describe it as “whisper quiet.” Ductless systems on the other hand, yell out from the walls they’re mounted on as they moan and vibrate to life.

Comfortable temperatures in every room. The Unico SDHV System manages airflow and motor speed according to the needs of the room. A Unico System creates even temperatures and a draft-free environment in every room it’s connected to. Mini-split systems aren’t coordinated with the rest of your home. That means you need to manage each ductless unit individually to eliminate drafts and warm zones.

If high velocity air conditioning sounds right for your home, we’re here to help! Fill out the form on this page and we’ll connect you with a Unico Preferred Contractor in your area who’s happy to provide a free quote and answer any questions you may have.